Learn Screenwriting in One Hour
With Our Mini Course
1 HOUR SCREENWRITER is mini course that will teach you a new efficient approach to screenwriting.
This approach will give you fast results and save you time.
You will learn how to use the 3 single most important things for screenwriting:
The total duration of the mini course is 1 hour, divided into three 20 minute parts, each one concentrated on the above items. Telling you only what is important and useful, so that you don’t waste time on unnecessary details.
All from a different perspective you have never been told before.
Everything that you learn here you will apply directly on your work, regardless if you already have something written, or you don’t have anything.
Watch it, understand it, and apply it. Everything in SINGLE day.
Don’t know how to write a screenplay?
Can’t afford film school?
Tired of watching endless videos that don’t give you any results?
Don’t know if your writing is good enough?
Out of inspiration or motivation to write?
You believe you are not talented?
If the answer to the above questions is YES, that means you are still working by the old way.
I am here to tell you that:
You DON’T need film school to write screenplays.
You DON’T need to watch endless videos that give you very little and don’t actually move you forward.
You DON’T need a writing talent. Yes, you red it correctly, you DON’T need a writing talent, you only need the right method.
You DON’T need an inspiration on what to write, you just need to take from the richness of the life itself.
Motivation? When you learn this simple steps how to write, your motivation will come naturally.
All you need is to understand the POWERFULL concepts of CONFLICTS, CONTRASTS AND TWISTS.
Those concepts have the POWER to transform every boring scene into interesting one.
They have the POWER to transform every boring and unattractive character into a charismatic and engaging one.
They have the POWER to make the audience look forward to the next scene.
They have the POWER to make the audience NOT wanting the film to end.
ALL you need to do is to UNDERSTAND those concepts in the right way.
Than you need to apply those concepts on every single scene you are writing. Yes, EVERY single scene. Even the most simple ones.
These 3 powerful concepts will transform every single scene of your screenplay into INTERESTING, ENGAGING and THRILLING one.
Then the STORY ARC will emerge on the basis of those scenes.
The CHARACTER ARC will also emerge on the basis of those scenes.
These 3 concepts are your TOOLS that will guide you how to write your screenplay.
They will guide you when you don’t know what to write about.
They will guide you how to select the material you use for writing.
They will show you how to evaluate your own scenes and screenplay.
You will not need anybody else to tell you if it is good or not, you will KNOW it by your self.
That will give you CONFIDENCE to write.
They will also give you confidence to PRESENT and defend your screenplay in front of film agents, directors and producers.
So if this concept is really so good, how come nobody came up with it before?
Are we the first ones to come up with this?
Of course NOT!
This concept is older than the writing itself. It can be traced back to Aristotle, some 350 years BC. He describes it in his book Poetics, which has around 50 pages.
It has been the basis of playwrighting and then screenwriting ever since!
We just polished it, made it understandable and applied it to films.
So if those 50 pages are enough, why do people go to study 4 of 5 years of screenwriting? Does it really take that long?
Of course it does NOT take that long! But how would film schools make their money, if they tell you everything you need to know in one single semester??
So they need to somehow stretch that knowledge, make it aperar more complicated and more intelectual than it actually is.
But don’t take our word for it. Let’s see what the famous screenwriters have to say.
How many famous screenwriters have NOT studied film school. Let’s see: Stanley Kubrick, Quentin Tarantino, Steven Speilberg, Ridley Scott, The Wachowskis, James Cameron, Peter Jackson, Christopher Nolan, Akira Kurosawa, the Cohen brothers,…
To name only few. And the list goes on…
Those people are major successful screenwriters. They are the PROVE that you don’t need film school to write good screenplays.
“Oh sure”, you will say, “but surely they must have big talent!” Well, let’s see if it is about talent.
We actually analysed most of their screenplays and films. And we found that they all have few things in common. Guess what? Yes, (almost) every scene in their movies contains CONFLICTS, CONTRASTS and TWISTS! is that only a coincidence? We definitely don’t thing so.
I myself have studied two film schools. One bachelor and the other one master. One day, one of the professors told us: “Every scene needs to have CONFLICT! If it doesn’t, don’t even bother presenting your screenplays to me!” That was the moment it clicked for me. It made everything very clear and simple.
Than another one said: “You need to think through CONTRASTS! Find the CONTRAST in every scene!” So the big picture for me started to emerge.
The TWISTS came out of the need of constant change of action in every scene. They are essential to driving the film forward.
So you have a CHOISE. You can just seat there and blame the talent for their success and keep finding excuses why you don’t write good enough your self.
Or you can try out those 3 POWERFULL concepts for yourself, and judge for yourself!
All packed in 1HOUR SCREENWRITER mini course.
For the no brainer price of $7!
With a life time guarantee!
What have you got to lose?
The course comes with a money back guarantee within the first week.
If you see the course not fitting for you, just email us, and we will give your money back, no questions asked.
ONLY FOR THE FASTEST: if you buy the course within the next 24 hours, you will also get FREE check lists, of everything you need to have in your screenplay, in order for it to be INTERESTING and ENGAGING.
- Do I need specialised software for writing screenplays?
While it is helpful, it is definitely NOT necessary. You can write perfectly good screenplays only in Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Remember those successful screenwriters? Did they have fancy software in their careers? Most of them NOT.
- Will this mini course teach me how to format my screenplay?
NO. This mini course is about the content of your screenplay, not it’s form. Learning formatting is a task than can be easily accomplished by a 7 year old kid.
- Are the payments secure?
All payments go though Stripe, which is third party secure payments provider. We don’t have any access to your credit card numbers.
- What do I need to watch this course?
An OPEN mind, just 1 hour free time, a computer, internet connection, pen and paper for taking notes.
- Will I get my money back if I don’t like it?
Of course! Just give us an email and will wire your money back. But we are fairly sure you will like it 🙂
The mini course 1 HOUR SCREENWRITER consists of 3 parts, each part with duration of 20 minutes. Every part is about one of the 3 most POWERFULL concepts in screenwriting.
You will learn what are a film conflicts. What types of conflicts exists (the conflicts are not only physical, a different opinion is also a conflict or opposition). How to apply those conflicts in EVERY SINGLE scene of your screenplay. You will learn how to CREATE conflicts.
What is a scene contrast. What types of contrast exist. For example, contrast of actions, contrasts of pace. Contrasts of characters, internal and external. Interaction between one brave person and one cowardly person is always more interesting than between two cowardly persons. You will learn how to CREATE contrasts.
Twists are the driving force that moves the action FORWARD. Twists represent unexpected change, and provoke desire for the audience to look forward to the end of each scene, and also to look forward to the next scene, and then to look forward to the end of the movie. You will learn how to CREATE twists.
ORDER NOW! If you order in the next 24 hours you will get a FREE check list of all the ingridients you need to write a good screenplay.
In the unliklely case that you will not recognize the value of the 3 POWERFUL concepts, give us en email, you will get full refund and we will wish you good luck!